
“Rising from the Ruins” Projection Performance

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Local artist, Paul Herwig, presents Rising from the Ruins, a projection performance within the stunning architecture and walls of the Mill City Museum Ruin Courtyard.


“Rising from the Ruins” Projection Performance

Local artist, Paul Herwig, presents Rising from the Ruins, a projection performance within the stunning architecture and walls of the Mill City Museum Ruin Courtyard.


“Rising from the Ruins” Projection Performance

Local artist, Paul Herwig, presents Rising from the Ruins, a projection performance within the stunning architecture and walls of the Mill City Museum Ruin Courtyard.


A Holiday Flight

Explore each room of Lindbergh’s boyhood home and be transported back in time to the various countries Lindbergh both lived in and visited.

More info at


Harvest Festival at Alto Vineyards

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Our biggest and most spectacular event of the year occurs during grape harvest season and celebrates our 36 years of business. Music! Wine! Food! Fireworks!!


Great Northern Forest History Tour

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A 90-minute, horse-drawn trolley tour narrated by our interpreters presenting a robust historical story of our site. Other cultural and environmental history stories of the Northwoods are presented.


The Draft Horse Experience

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Participants will get a hands-on, 90-minute experience with our horses. Prepare the horses for a day's work and a trolley ride will then include the opportunity to take the reins under supervision.


Wonders of the Night Sky

Make the stars your old friends as we watch the great celestial show in the skies over Grand Rapids. Get to know some constellations like the Big Bear and Pegasus. Reflecting telescopes will be used.


Snapshot Saturdays: The Aviator’s Wife

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

In honor of women’s history month, tune in to learn about the life of Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Her achievements, writings, family life, and experiences as Charles Lindbergh’s wife.

Event is virtual.
