Looking for a local brew? Check out the Beer Flight tasting from the Fountain City Brewing Company. Resurrected from 5 pre-prohibition recipes that were brewed by Fountain Brew from 1856 to 1965 in Fountain City WI, currently brewed in Wisconsin.
You can only find these beers at the legendary Monarch Tavern (Monarch Public House) in Fountain City, the oldest continually operating server in the state. Make sure you don’t miss the original ornate, hand-tooled oak back bar and matching front bar with carved posts and an intact brass-trimmed wooden top rail. The bar remained open during Prohibition as a soda parlor before it started serving alcohol again in 1933.
Original Recipe Fountain Brew Gold Lager
Crystal Springs Nitro Stout
John Robert Porter
Harrington’s Irish Red Ale
Prairie Moon Red Lager
Eagle Valley Harvest Gold